Deoccupation of Crimea is deoccupation of Crimean Tatar language

My dear Crimean Tatar friends,
My name is Daniel Broomfield, am an English teacher and I live in Ukraine.
Here is information about me:
I have a lot of friends among Crimean Tatar, and that is why I do know that Russian laws unfortunately concerns Ukrainian citizens in Crimea.
As a British citizen and a language teacher, I know the importance of language.
I have read "1984" by Orwell very carefully. Orwell explains to us very clearly that language control is mind control.
That is why Russians occupy not only the territories but the languages themselves.
Russians command you not only how to live on your motherland, but also how to speak your mother tongue!!
Forcing to use Stalin"s writing system, Russians enforce Stalin"s thinking system.
That is why the Mejlis leaders cannot write Qırım serbest olacaq! -- "Мне сейчас тяжело переходить в письме на латиницу, я должен иметь перед глазами правила написания, а они еще не настолько распространены."
This means that we have to force Russians to accept that they cannot force others to write in Stalin"s Cyrillic.
You can see here, how it is important for them:
I address you, my dear Crimean Tatar friends, to help me deoccupy Crimean Tatar language and Crimea.
First of all, you have to read this very carefully:
Then you have to say that the occupation of the Crimean Tatar language is unacceptable.
Then the British Army will liberate Crimea as in Crimean War!!
But for our king, it is essential that Crimean Tatars have to say: "The occupation of the Crimean Tatar language is unacceptable!"
Sincerely yours,
Daniel Broomfield
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