Для поширення на західну аудиторію, у кого є така.
This morning, February 25, Russian troops continued to fight their way into the heartland of Ukraine, and bombarded the capital city of Kyiv and other cities with ballistic and cruise missiles. Meanwhile, Russian Defense Ministry announced that it had successfully destroyed Ukrainian air defenses. Being the second such statement in two days, this shows a loss of self-confidence of the invaders, but the damage is really severe, leaving Ukrainian cities too exposed to incessant missile and aircraft strokes.
The attempts of Russian military propaganda to focus on prisoners of war (POW) and wrecked armored vehicles is indicative, too. Enemy claims Ukrainian losses of equipment to be at the level of one and a half dozen tanks, which is comparable to Russian ones and even exceeding them. And Russian propaganda says nothing about defeat of Russian airborne troops, who landed yesterday, February 24, in the town of Hostomel at the gates of Kyiv.
Yesterday"s statements by the Russians about the mass retreat of Ukrainian troops have now been replaced by assurances that a total of 150 Ukrainian servicemen, most of whom are border guards, have been taken POW in different regions. Given a total of Ukrainian armed forces more than 250,000, this shows that neither the army nor the people of Ukraine are ready to yield to the aggressor.
At the same time, Russians do not say a word about their own or Ukrainian losses. During the first day of war enemy lost allegedly from 300 to 500 men of his best airborne and assault troops. Ukrainian losses as estimated in President"s Zelensky statement are no less than 137 people. This number includes civilians, and is growing every hour of the Russian invasion.
All abovesaid is not the reason to pretend that the war is going well for Ukrainians. Russia is doing its best, or worst, to hide its aggression and crimes behind the veil of silence and so-called "post-truth". Right this minute Ukraine is fighting for its freedom against strong and merciless enemy, while Western nations are still doubtful whether to help it with sufficient amount of weapons, supplies, and effective pressure on aggressor. The People of Ukraine urges all free nations of the world not wait until it is your own turn to call for help.