Dear President Biden,

here"s what you have said in Warsaw addressing to Russian people:

"My message to the Russian people (…) Let me say this if you are able to listen – you, the Russian people, are not our enemy (…) I refuse to believe you welcome the killing of innocent children and grandparents (…) These are not the actions of a great nation (…) Now Vladimir Putin"s aggression has cut you, the Russian people, off from the rest of the world and is taking Russia back to the 19th century. This is not who you are (…) I am telling you the truth, this war is not worthy of you, the Russian people" (


Dear President Biden,

your refusal to believe that Russian people indeed "welcome the killing of innocent children and grandparents" is the fatal weakness on your side.

The one who refuses to believe the truth cannot win the war — or anything else — because, in the first place, he refuses to take the reality for what it is.

To tell you more truth, Russian people are not a "great nation". They are not a nation at all! In fact, they are imperial subjects who support their evil empire simply because their identity fatally depends on the survival of this empire.

And this empire could survive only by recapturing the neighboring nations and by "remaking the world order".

Of course, the Russian people are not your enemy. Your true enemy is the empire that made them the people they are. But still, believe it or not, they are exactly the people they are. And most of them do actively support this cruel and unjust war!


Dear President Biden,

your illusions about "the Russian people" could be a fatal weakness of the entire West in its current opposition to Russia"s devastating war against Ukraine. It could most negatively influence both the course of the current war and the postwar policy of the West towards Russia.

A false premise never leads to either truth or victory!

Please open your eyes and open your mind.

Accept the truth you still "refuse to believe".

This is what you got to do in order to win this new "great battle for freedom".

And then may the force be with you.


Yours sincerely,

Oleksiy Panych, philosopher

Kyiv, Ukraine