The secret of the Kremlin, which the Russian Federation is afraid of.

First Ukrainian Independent Media Platform
September 19, 2023


What is keeping the power of today"s Russian Federation and what secrets are hidden in Putin"s Kremlin?

Photo from Roman Revedzhuk"s YouTube channel


September 18, 2023, the well-known Ukrainian journalist and leader of the Republican Platform, Roman Revedzhuk, published a sensational video investigation about the secrets of the Kremlin regime. According to media reports, Revedzhuk has been hiding in Switzerland for several years, where he received political asylum.

The media repeatedly suspected Revedzhuk of working for the Ukrainian special services. Recently, for criticizing Zelenskyi"s authorities, representatives of the latter even accused Revedzhuk of working for the Russian special services.

In his investigation, Revedzhuk tells about the murder of the famous singer of Uyghur origin from Kazakhstan, Marat Nasirov. The journalist refers to the preliminary investigation, which was carried out by the UNIAN agency in August of this year based on materials from the Russian telegram channel "General SVR". Revedzhuk absolutely denies the version that Putin ordered Patrushev to kill Nasirov because of Kabaeva to remove a love rival. Instead, the journalist says that Vladimir Putin really gave the order to kill Marat Nasirov. But not because the singer had a relationship with Alina Kabaeva a few years before the latter met Putin. According to Roman Revezhuk"s long-term research, there is one important destructive detail in Vladimir Putin"s entourage, which the Kremlin today fears and hides in every possible way.

As is known, after meeting Vladimir Putin, Alina Kabaeva told her friends that she had the best relationship with Marat Nasirov because he was like her father, and she truly loved him even after the breakup. Putin, who before his presidency headed the FSB of the Russian Federation, closely monitored all the details of Alina Kabaeva"s private life after meeting her. After Putin heard in one of the records that the special services gave to him, what Kabaeva told her friends, he immediately gave the order to remove Nasirov.

Journalist Roman Revedzhuk says that the main motive for the liquidation of Nasirov was Putin"s fear that Kabaeva could probably maintain contact with the artist Marat Nasirov. And so that she could tell, or probably already told the artist about spicy details from the private life of the head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin. That meant that sooner or later these details would become known to society and the Kremlin regime, which at that time was just reaching its peak, could suffer because of it. That"s why Putin, after meeting Kabaeva, wiped out all with whom Kabaeva could share this secret information. So to say, remove the witnesses.

Thus, journalist Revedzhuk claims that Kabaeva was chosen for the role of Putin"s so-called mistress after the latter"s divorce from his wife. Kabaeva"s role was to cover up Putin"s sexual orientation. Therefore, she was later hidden in reliable Switzerland, where she now lives and keeps the secrets of the Kremlin. Revedzhuk says that Putin is a homosexual and, in support of his words, provides a video that the Kremlin has actively removed from the Internet. In this video, Putin, contrary to the policy of the Kremlin and his party "Unified Russia", personally confirms that he supports people with non-traditional sexual orientation, or as it is now fashionable to call LGBT, and meets with them. Also, Roman Revedzhuk suggests that the entire vertical of the Kremlin power is interconnected by non-traditional sexual orientation and pedophilia. As an argument, the journalist provides the example of the structures of the FSB of the Russian Federation, the so-called "churches of the Moscow Patriarchate", in which the facts of the participation of young boys in relations with the ministers and management of these "churches" were repeatedly exposed.

We would like to remind you of an interesting fact: Vladimir Putin, in the early days of his rule, publicly lifted the clothes of school-aged children, in particular boys, and kissed them on their bare stomachs.

Today, Putin is more experienced and less prone to such public blunders. But users pay attention after Roman Revedzhuk"s investigation that Putin"s public behavior with men is indeed strange, and the mannerism of his behavior in men"s companies causes rather ambiguous emotions.

At the end of his investigation, Revedzhuk appeals to the audience for people to value the details. He emphasizes that he does not aim to convince Russians of anything, but only shows them their "King Putin", who is not just naked, but with a very controversial sexual orientation. He concludes that the Putin regime in the Kremlin should not be feared, because this regime is actually very dirty, but even more shaky at the same time. Therefore, the cult of such dictatorial regimes should be debunked, and free people should unite to defeat evil. Roman Revedzhuk asks to share his investigation and also to share it among the Kazakhs so that people know the truth.


ℹ️ This is a link to a video from the republishing of our Facebook page and a description in Ukrainian and Russian:

ℹ️ Original link to our page:


A copy of the video from Roman Revedzhuk"s YouTube channel. The video is in Ukrainian, so you need to turn on subtitled translation.