Земля достаточно промёрзнет начиная с 15 февраля, осталось подвезти ещё 14 батальонных тактических групп из 97, взятие Киева займёт 2 дня, количество погибших гражданских лиц ожидается в пределах от 25 до 50 тысяч.
In the last two weeks, the number of battalion tactical groups in the border region has risen to 83 from 60 as of Friday and 14 more are in transit, the officials told Reuters on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the information.
As to the timing of an invasion, the ground is expected to reach peak freeze around Feb. 15, the officials said, allowing for off-road mechanized transit by Russian military units. Such conditions would continue until the end of March.
That timeline and the growing number and capability of Russian forces close to Ukraine could suggest the window for diplomacy is shutting.
If Russia were to invade the capital of Kyiv, it could fall within a couple of days, the U.S. officials said.A full-scale invasion would cause major casualties, one of the officials said.
Ukraine could suffer 5,000 to 25,000 troop casualties, while Russia"s troop casualties could be between 3,000 and 10,000, and civilian casualties could range from 25,000 to 50,000, according to U.S. estimates, the official said.
Russian forces at 70% of level needed for full Ukraine invasion, U.S. officials say