14th Waffen SS division GALIZIEN

До определенного момента, Я относился к этим словам как к предательскому формировании, но их гимн, их марш, слушая его, Я поменял свое мнение:

Да, эта песня еще Сечевых Стрельцов, и поверить просто в то, что люди которые шли с такими словами в бой, могли быть предателями, невозможно.

Заинтересовался ими, и, о удивление, кое что интересное выяснил. Оказывается, когда они выяснили, что Гитлер не собирается восстановить государственность Украины, как они сделали в других странах, 14th Waffen SS division GALIZIEN начала готовить покушение на вождя третьего Рейха, Адольфа Гитлера.

Так же, они не были признаны военными преступниками и не была доказана их вина, а все свидетельства, которые представлялись, прошедши проверку, оказались ложью:

Accusations of war atrocities

Although the Galizien Division has not been found guilty of any war crimes by any war tribunal or commission, numerous unproven accusations of impropriety have been levelled at the division and at particular members of the division from a variety of sources. It is difficult to determine the extent of war criminality among members of the division.[39] If prior service in Nazi police units is a measure of criminality, only a small number were recruited from established police detachments. Among those who had transferred from police detachments, some had been members of a coastal defence unit that had been stationed in France, while others came from two police battalions that had been formed in the spring of 1943, too late to have participated in the murder of Ukraine"s Jews. According to Howard Margolian there is no evidence that these units participated in anti-partisan operations or reprisals prior to their inclusion into the division. However, a number of recruits, prior to their service within the police battalions are alleged to have been in Ukrainian irregular formations that are alleged to have committed atrocities against Jews and Communists. However, both the Canadian government and the Canadian Jewish Congress in their investigations of the division failed to find hard evidence to support the notion that it was rife with criminal elements.[39]
It has been claimed that the division destroyed several Polish communities in western Ukraine during the winter and spring of 1944.[40] Specifically, the 4th and 5th SS Police Regiments have been accused of murdering Polish civilians in the course of anti-guerilla activity. At the time of their actions, these units were not under Divisional command but under separate German police command.[41] Yale historian Timothy Snyder concluded that the division"s role in the ethnic cleansing of Poles from western Ukraine was marginal.[40]

14th Waffen SS division GALIZIEN

(P.S.: Украинцы, никому не интересен "другой взгляд на историю" как вы заметили на примере страны Р, всем интересны факты, опирайтесь всегда на них. Лучше признать случившийся факт, чем постоянно лгать о нем.)